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Welcome to Sayward's LittleAngels.
Welcome to Sayward's Little
Parklands 53
OX162SY Banbury  Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
I made things for my baby's and thought I would make them for others.

Lovely patchwork pram blanket.

Hi  Welcome
I have a passion for arts and crafts and love making things for my own children. Now I am sharing some of what I make with all of you.
I have also picked a few lovely items for babies and children that I think are great and I know you will too.
Take a look and I know you will love what you find.
If you find something but it is not in the size you need or maybe you would prefer a different colour please contact me.

I can now also make garments from various items of clothing  i.e. "GRANNIES OLD DRESSES"
Enjoy shopping

Lovely patchwork pram blanket. with pretty frilly edging and backed with a soft material
16 x 25 inches

price excludes post & packing, I ship world wide

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