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Welcome to Sayward's LittleAngels.
Welcome to Sayward's Little
Parklands 53
OX162SY Banbury  Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
I made things for my baby's and thought I would make them for others.

Little old man Red ABC Cardigan Multi coloured ABC Cardigan An unusal very pretty girls hand knitted cardigan.

Hi  Welcome
I have a passion for arts and crafts and love making things for my own children. Now I am sharing some of what I make with all of you.
I have also picked a few lovely items for babies and children that I think are great and I know you will too.
Take a look and I know you will love what you find.
If you find something but it is not in the size you need or maybe you would prefer a different colour please contact me.

I can now also make garments from various items of clothing  i.e. "GRANNIES OLD DRESSES"
Enjoy shopping

A Few Examples of My Jumpers

Little old man: A picture drawn by my 4 year old turned into a lovely original knitting pattern and made into a lovely jumper.  One man on the front and 3 on the back. 3 buttons fasten this jumper at the back. Truly different.
0-3 months

Red ABC Cardigan
A lovely bright red cardigan with the alphabet all over it in blue. Has a lovely contrast edging of blue around the button band and collar.

Multi coloured ABC Cardigan
A lovely multi coloured cardigan in blues, greens and white. Purple alphabet all the way around the bottom and on the sleeves. Purple button band and collar.

An unusal very pretty girls hand knitted cardigan.
Double moss stitch pattern, done up with 2 contrasting colour ribbons, one pink and one red.
The main colour is red with one pink sleeve, pink collar and pink flower motifs.
Size: 3 to 6 months
Measurements: length: 10.5 inches, length of sleeve: 8.5 inches

All prices exclude post & Packing we ship worldwide

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